Microbial Genetics

Biology Reference. (2014). Bacterial genetics
Microbial genetics affect human society because in order to prevent diseases from virus' and deadly bacteria, one must understand how bacteria and virus' replicate.  Replication of bacteria or a virus can occur in a very short period.  Fast replicating virus' are scary and can be dangerous if there is a delay in treatment.  One example of a fast replicating virus is the common flu.  Generally, symptoms will begin to appear within 24 to 48 hours of exposure.  One example of a slow replicating virus is the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV can take years to take over the immune system and develop into full blown acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).  These are two examples of why microbial genetics is important in saving lives.  Scientists have yet to cure either one, however; the flu vaccine may help shorten the duration of the flu using ones own immune system.  HIV is no longer a deadly disease given the proper treatment because of its slow replication scientists have developed medicine to counteract the progression of the disease.

Nobel Prize. (1993). Site-directed mutagenesis reprograms DNA
Genetics - Overview

Genes or genetic material is the code of life.  All organisms carry genetic material that determines their phenotype.  A phenotype is expression of a gene.  Genes contain alleles which are variations like body type, hair color, eye color, or the size and shape of a cell in the case of prokaryotic organisms.  The genotype of an organism is the entire genetic structure that makes that organism unlike any other on earth.  Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) forms into coils called chromosomes.  RNA regulates codes and genetic expression.  Transcription occurs when RNA macromolecules are transformed from DNA via RNA polymerase.

Prokaryotic organism differ from eukaryotic organisms because their cell structure is less complex.  In prokaryotic organisms, transduction occurs when DNA transfers from bacterium to bacterium via a virus.  Transformation occurs when exogenous DNA incorporates and becomes a part of the cell structure.  Transformation is the primary mode for virus' to replicate become dangerous.  Conjugation occurs in bacteria and is similar to a bridge like transference of genetic material contained in plasmids.  Mutations can occur along any stage of the cell replication phases in eukaryotic or prokaryotic organisms.  Mutation is natures survival mechanism and is an important factor in the evolution of all organisms on earth.  Although, mutations in deadly viral strains continue to be a challenge for scientists to uncover cures for diseases like Ebola or West Nile Virus.  Once infected, the bacteria are difficult to control and some are becoming resistant to even the strongest of broad spectrum antibiotics.

As scientists discover new ways to modify the DNA of microorganisms, the possibility of slowing down replication is not far off.  According to Luria (1947) protecting against mutagenic effects of bacteria and virus may lie in humoral immunity.  Luria conjectures, "The supposed analogy between antibody and enzyme formations has led to the suggestion that antigens may actually be primary gene products, and that antibodies may affect the genes themselves with production of mutations," and although Luria's research dates back almost 70 years, scientists today are continuing research in immune response mutagenesis (p. 7).

One imagines the future of microbial genetics is a bright one, as technology continues to advance, and genetic sequencing becomes easier and more affordable.  Perhaps there will be a day when someone who feels like they are "coming down with something" can visit their local pharmacy, get a pin prick blood test, instant diagnosis, and treatment.


Bacterial Genetics. (2014). Bacterial genetics [Photo]. Retrieved from http://www.biologyreference.com/photos/bacterial-genetics-3817.jpg

Luria, S.E. (1947). Recent advancements in bacterial genetics. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC440908/

Madigan, M., Martinko, J.M., Stahl, D.A., and Clark, D. P. (2012). Brock Biology of Microorganisms (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New York: Pearson Education.

Nobel Media. (1993). Site-directed mutagenesis reprograms DNA. [Photo]. Retrieved from http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1993/illpres/site.html

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